Pacific City Vet Care

The ability to take an image of a particular part of the body allows us to immediately assess a variety of conditions. Radiographs (x-rays), use electromagnetic radiation directed towards the body to highlight material within. We can detect abnormalities including skeletal fractures, soft tissue abnormalities and damage, foreign bodies, cardiac and lung abnormalities, and dental disease. Digital radiography is safe, painless, and non-invasive.

Our veterinary team may recommend sedation or anesthesia for your pet. Sedation can provide more precise imaging and enhance patient safety by reducing stress and pain. Sedation will always be communicated with you, including its pros and cons, prior to its use. While our veterinary team has decades of combined experience reviewing x-rays, we are proud to also offer board certified review of any imaging to ensure only the best recommendations are being offered.

In addition to in house radiology, we partner with mobile board-certified cardiologists and radiologists for ultrasound imaging of the heart and abdomen. We are also proud to offer board certified review of radiographs.